3.2 Joshua 1-5

Bill Sanders


Joshua 1-5

These chapters are the first steps for Joshua and the Israelites to take the Promised Land. Joshua is the new leader, so God establishes His commission with him to take the land; the Israelites scout out the nearest city; cross the Jordan river, in the same way they crossed the Red Sea; they build a memorial; the men are circumcised; and Joshua meets the Commander of the Lord’s army. 

Joshua 5:13-14 “Now when Joshua was near Jericho, he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him with a drawn sword in his hand. Joshua went up to him and asked, “Are you for us or for our enemies

“Neither,” he replied, “but as commander of the army of the Lord I have now come.”

How does what you read change your vision of God?  This is impactful because the Commander of the Lord’s Army is neither for the Israelites, God’s chosen people, or their enemies. Even though they are His Chosen people, He is still not with them because they are still sinful but He still chooses to fight with them.  This just shows that only God is holy.

How does what you read change your vision of yourself and others? These chapters show what our walk with God and be like when we faithfully obey Him. These are one of the few sections were the Israelites faithfully obey God and He sends the Commander of the Lord’s army to fight in battle with them.

How will you go with God? The Israelites created a memorial to God after crossing the Jordan river. I will think of ways to better remember and celebrate the things God has done in my life. 

Where did you see Jesus? I see Jesus in His love for those we would consider the lowest in society. in Rahab’s story, Rahab, a non-Israelite and a harlot, fears God and acts faithfully by hiding the two spies.  She was rewarded by not just having her life saved but by being added to the Messianic line! This reminds of Jesus’ love and saving grace for the woman who was accused of adultery. This also seems to be an early sign that God would work to save all peoples, not just the Israelites.

3 Replies to “3.2 Joshua 1-5”

  1. I love how God is continually teaching the people to think of themselves as holy. Always setting them apart so that they can be in fellowship with Him.

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  2. Great insight into the “neither” response! I think I’m often looking for a response that is clear cut or black or white. While God often provides that, it may not always be what we expect!


  3. Good stuff Dollar Bill!! Thinking about the position that Joshua held and how we can sometimes get out of place in our mind with God for what we’ve done rather than what he did for us which is unmatched. Great perspective to live life glorifying God.


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